Canada Soccer |
The Canada Soccer standards for Quality Soccer are designed to outline the minimum expectations of member organizations in Canada. It is expected that all member organizations provide a developmentally appropriate, safe, enjoyable, accessible, inclusive and welcoming playing environment for their participants, which differentiates it from non-member soccer and unorganized play. In order to be considered a quality soccer provider, member organizations must also be in good standing with their governing organization(s) and meet the expectations of membership. |
Ontario Soccer |
Current Ontario QSP Clubs |
Canada Soccer Streams of Participation |
Community, Competitive, Development/Performance, Excellence |
Long Term Player Development (LTPD) |
LTPD is a model of athlete development that parallels what doctors and psychologists have long used to better understand human development: as a series of distinct stages, which takes us from infancy through to adulthood. A person’s abilities, behavious and emotions, as well as their understanding of the world around them, varies from stage to stage. |
Responsible Coaching Movement |
The Responsible Coaching Movement (RCM) is a call to action for sport organizations, parents, and coaches to enact responsible coaching across Canada – on and off the field of play. |