Kincardine and District Minor Soccer Club (KDMSC), bullying of any kind is unacceptable. We have committed to creating the best soccer experience possible for every child in our programs. This includes providing a caring, friendly, safe and harassment free sport environment.
It is the responsibility of all staff, board members, coaches, referees, parents and volunteers to take all reasonable steps to safeguard the welfare of Kincardine Minor Soccer players and to protect them from any form of bullying or maltreatment.
Bullying Policy
KDMSC is committed to investigating reported incidents of bullying or harassment in a prompt, objective, and sensitive manner; taking necessary corrective action; and providing appropriate support for victims.
No individual shall be penalized in any way for making a complaint or giving evidence in a bullying or harassment investigation.
What Is Bullying?
Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of physically or emotionally hurting another person. Bullying results in pain and distress to the victim. It is done to intimidate, coerce, fear, control, embarrass or exclude.
Bullying can be:
Bullying may be:
- Planned or unintentional
- Individual or group action(s)
Procedure When Bullying Occurs
- Any incident of bullying or harassment should be reported to either the team coach or manager as soon as possible.
- The team coach and manager will discuss the situation and will investigate the incident speaking to both parties individually.
- The team manager will inform parents of the players involved and may call a meeting to discuss the incident and make a plan to prevent future incidents from occurring.
- The team manager will file a Bullying Incident Report Form with the Executive Board within 30 days of receiving the information that an incident has occurred.
- The director of soccer operations will keep a record of all bullying incident forms submitted.
- If the measures taken to end the bullying are not effective and the bullying is seen to continue, a second report will be filed with the Executive Board and will be forwarded by the director to the Kincardine and District Minor Soccer Board.
- Upon receipt of a second incident referral from the Board of Directors, the board will make a ruling on possible intervention and/or disciplinary action.
- If mediation and disciplinary action do not bring the bullying or harassing behavior to an end, the KDMSC Executive Board may consider further disciplinary action or player expulsion from the Club.
In any situation where it is deemed necessary and appropriate by the Executive Board, the police may be consulted regarding matters of bullying or harassment.
Recommended Actions
If the club decides it is appropriate to intervene after receipt of a referral from the Executive Board, following are some suggested measures that may be taken:
- Reconciliation by getting the parties together. It may be that a genuine apology solves the problem.
- If this fails or is deemed as not appropriate, members of the Executive Board should meet with the parent and child alleging bullying to get details of the allegation. Minutes should be taken for clarity.
- The same panel should meet with the alleged bully and parent(s) and put the incident raised to them to answer and give their view of the allegation. Minutes should again be taken.
- The same panel should also interview any witnesses to gather additional information; again, minutes should be taken.
- If bullying has in their view taken place the athletes should be warned and put on notice of further action. Consideration should be given as to whether a reconciliation meeting between parties is appropriate at this time.
Coaches and managers involved with both athletes should be made aware of the concerns and outcome of the process i.e. the warning.
Consequences for Those Who Bully
Athletes found to be bullying teammates or members of other teams/clubs may face consequences including:
- Formal apology
- Restitution for any damage to property or personal possessions
- Benching
- Barring from travel to tournaments or training trips
- Suspension
- Expulsion from Kincardine and District Minor Soccer
Any retaliation by athletes or their parents against someone who reports bullying will be dealt with very seriously.
Both the Complainant and the Respondent shall have the right to appeal the decision of the Panel. A notice of intention to appeal, along with the grounds for appeal, must be provided to the Club President within 72 hours of receiving the notice of decision.
Appeals may be made on the following grounds: