Field Safety (Kincardine & District Minor Soccer)

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Canada Soccer Guide to Safety

Kincardine and District Minor Soccer Club strives to ensure all venues and facilities, both public and private, utilized by our community of parents, players, officials, spectators and patrons at large are safe, are always well maintained and in good working condition at all times.

Prior to the commencement of each game and facility usage, all staff and officials are required to complete the enclosed checklist to ensure the integrity and safe operation of the premise and related equipment utilized.

In the event that any of the following has occurred the reporting procedure is as follows:

  • Note in your evening report and checklist submission the issue with the facility/equipment encountered
  • Note in your report any actions you took to rectify the situation such as removing the debris, cordoning off the area, etc.
  • If the conditions are such that the safe operation of the field/facility/equipment is not possible without intervention that is beyond your control, you must notify the Executive Board immediately and postpone any events that have/are scheduled in the area/with the equipment.

In the event of an issue with the safety/integrity of the facility/premise/equipment Alliance FC will communicate this to its membership and post signage informing patrons of the issue. Communication will then be disseminated upon resolution of the safety concern.

Soccer Field/Facility Safety Checklist:

Prior to each practice or game, coaches, officials and/or designated volunteers should develop the habit of a field and area safety check. This checklist is designed to be a general guide for all fields. Certain fields will have other specific areas of concern that should be inspected.

Goal Post Safety:

  • Portable goal properly secured and anchored. Confirm anchoring system is not a hazard to participants.
  • Permanent goals properly secured and anchored. Confirm anchoring system is not a hazard to participants.
  • Inspect goal net and goal post for sharp corners, loose bolts and general integrity.
  • Forbid any horseplay by players or members of the general public on or around any goal post.
  • Portable goal posts should only be moved by authorized personnel.

Field and Area Safety:

  • Inspect for foreign objects such as stones, glass, etc.
  • Check field for holes, depressions, torn sections (if artificial turf), etc. Notify the club of unsafe field conditions in writing. Keep a copy for your records.
  • Make sure sprinkler heads are seated.
  • Make sure water drains beyond the touch line are marked for player awareness.
  • Observe 3' restraining line from the touch line. Area must be obstruction free, except for coaches.
  • Review fencing. No climbing to retrieve balls.
  • Check bleachers/players benches for safety. Make spectators aware of bleachers that may not be safe.
  • Inspect the condition of and access to locker rooms, restrooms and portable toilets.
  • Survey parking lots, concessions and vendors areas for any obvious hazards. Make spectators and players aware of any hazardous conditions; and notify the club of unsafe conditions in writing as soon as practical.
  • Ensure that all parents are present and know of procedures in case of a safety concern that is weather related