Players (Kincardine & District Minor Soccer)


Player Code of Conduct

  • I will always play by the rules
  • I will never argue with an official.  If I disagree with a decision, I will inform my coach during a break of after the competition.
  • I will control my temper.  I understand that verbal abuse of officials, intimidating other players and provoking an opponent are not acceptable or permitted behaviour in sport.
  • I will work equally hard for myself and my team.
  • I will be a good sport and applaud all good plays made by either team.
  • I will treat all players as I would like to be treated.  I will not bully or take unfair advantage of another player.
  • I will cooperate with my coach, teammates and opponents.
  • I will display modesty in victory and graciousness in defeat.
  • I will participate for my own enjoyment and benefit, not just to please parents and coaches.
  • I will respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants, regardless of gender, ability or cultural background.
  • I will not arrive at a venue intoxicated, nor will I consume alcohol at any venue.