Making Teams (Kincardine & District Minor Soccer)

PrintMaking Teams

General Background

Getting to the point of making teams means the registration is complete and all the players have paid their fees.

  • Players should be in an initial registration group aligned with our standard age groups that we do in Kincardine
    • U4, U5, U6, U8, U10, U12, U15, U18
    • Some divisions U8+ have Mixed and Girls teams
  • Parents have limited ability to see what age group they registered
    • If they save their emailed receipt from Registration
    • Log into SportsEngine and look under Registrations will take them to a view of it
  • Valuable inputs to have for the process
    • Prior season coach input (we try to get coaches to complete a form at the end of each season that rates players)
    • Evaluation days for U8 and U10
    • An executive member that has also been coaching one or more of their children who has on field game experience across the age group
  • Timbits is more straight forward as you can typically wait until we know how many team (10 players per average) and then go down the registration list and assign them a team number.... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, etc.

TEAM SIZES for Lake Shore

  • U12
    • Recommendation is 12, maximum rostered of 18 players
    • 70 minute games (35 minute halves)
  • U15
    • Recommendation is 18, maximum rostered is 25 players
    • 80 minute games (40 minute halves)
  • U18
    • Recommendation is 18, maximum rostered is 25 players
    • 90 minute games (45 minute halves)
  • Open Adult
    • Recommendation is 18, maximum rostered is 25 players


  • Create a single spreadsheet (don't use SportsEngine) of all the players with this data you can pull in a report from SportsEngine.
    • First Name, Last Name, Division, Data of Birth, Gender, City
  • Create columns for Coach and Team #
  • Coordinate with the Coach Coordinator to determine who is coaching (Head Coach and/or Assistant Coach)
    • Insert Coach name and highlight the player line, this will become the baseline for your teams as we put the coaches players with them.
  • Maintain a separate and central location for any player requests to play with another friend.
    • We can accommodate, but can easily get unmanageable, so we don't promote it very heavily.
    • Sometime getting people to agree to coach results in them asking certain players to be together.

Age Group
On field players
Target Number of Players per team
League suggestion
OSA/EMSA Roster Max
U4, U5, U6 4-5 10 n/a n/a
U8, U10 7 (including goalie) 12 n/a n/a
U12 9 (including goalie) 14 12 18
U15 11 (including goalie) 16 18 25
U18 11 (including goalie) 16 18 25

Team sizes

  • U12
    • Recommendation is 12, maximum rostered of 18 players
    • 70 minute games (35 minute halves)
  • U15
    • Recommendation is 18, maximum rostered is 25 players
    • 80 minute games (40 minute halves)
  • U18
    • Recommendation is 18, maximum rostered is 25 players
    • 90 minute games (45 minute halves)
  • Open Adult
    • Recommendation is 18, maximum rostered is 25 players

    • Divisions for Indoor
    • Divisions for Outdoor

      OSA Governing Divisions

      League Age Level OSCAR Governing Division

      House League



      House League

      House League

      MO age/gender

      YR age/gender





      Any (pool)

      Div 1

      Div 2 and lower

      MO Development age/gender

      YC age/gender

      YR age/gender

      EMSA Tier III



      EMSA Tier III

      EMSA Tier III

      MO age/gender

      YR age/gender

      WRSL U13+ any div YC age/gender
      MMSL Men 35+ any SR O305 Male
      WOSL Open any SC SO Male
      LAWSL Open

      Div 1-3

      Div Rec

      SC SO Female

      SR SO Female