OSCAR = Ontario Soccer Club Account Registry
- KMS now has SportsHeadz for its Website & Registrations
- We need to export data import it into OSCAR with the KMS SportsEngine HQ Free account access.
SportsEngine HQ - Free
- SportsEngine is the platform that OSCAR is hosted on
- to see an overview, go here:
Loading info into OSCAR
- Go to Season Management in the left hand menu when you log in to the Kincardine Minor Soccer organization account
- Make sure you are in the Active Seasons tab
- Add Season if one is not already setup
- It could be 2025 Outdoor, but KMS has been setting up seasons by these buckets: 2025 Outdoor House League, 2025 Outdoor Lake Shore League and 2025 Outdoor Competitive

- Once you have added a Season and done the Season setup selections, you will come to "Divisions"
- Create Divisions that will be the similar as what we will have setup in SportsHeadz, so it is easier to stay coordinated. The Divisions here only live in SportsEngine, so they don't have to match, but they are a required part of the Season Management framework in SportsEngine in order to be able to load Teams and the Players.
- Once you have at least 1 Division, you can select the Teams tab.
- Select Import Teams
- This is where you will need to upload the file that you Exported from SportsHeadz from the Custom Reports tab in the Registration Module. You can download the template OSCAR uses if needed to setup the export again in SportsHeadz.
- This step may cause some confusions with KMS parents/guardians as they will get notified and still will have a SportsEngine account. Remember SportsEngine usage is for when dealing with the OSCAR part of the process which is Ontario Soccer Membership (think of Ontario Minor Hockey Association, Ontario Women's Hockey Association, Ontario Baseball Association). SportsHeadz is just a KMS Club management tool that gives us functions like website, online registration, referee coordination, field scheduling, etc.
MORE TO BE UPDATED after we get through some testing to import into OSCAR.
- Don't use Safari as the Membership subprocess fails
- Players after submission that come up Incomplete
- Check out the EMSA manual for common causes
- Usually the same player exists under 2 parent accounts and needs to be merged to fix.
- Parents need to be contacted to see which account should be the winning account to use (the form below is winning email address)
- Complete this form https://sportngin-lddxb.formstack.com/forms/merge_accounts but usually still have to chat with support to get it done. There is no current way to know when it is complete... so just have to keep checking
- Sometimes parents enter the wrong birth year for a player
- Sometimes you see a Denied status, open the player in Governing Seasons screen and it will usually tell you where the problem is
- If it gets corrected before we submit via OSCAR, should be fine
- If not, then an error will appear about mismatch records
- Get proof of Date of Birth from parent (photo of Health Card will do)
- Get the SEOS# of the player (search them in Member Directory in SportsEngine HQ)
- Take a screen shot of the players expanded profile with the error that says "Sate of Birth does not match member-owned information: To resolve, edit the verified information or contact the account owner"
- Send a request to update the OSA end to [email protected]