NCCP Numbers (Kincardine & District Minor Soccer)

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Getting your NCCP number ... step by step instructions for setting one up for an individual

What is an NCCP number?

  • A coaches "The Locker" account under the National Coach Certification Program (NCCP)

  • Course results update to your The Locker account

  • NCCP is a Canada wide training registry of courses taken across sports (soccer, hockey, etc.) from their site and others such as Canada Soccer and Respect in Sports.

  • A "NCCP" Number(#) is specific to an individual and provides Clubs and Associations a way to view trainings completed to verify the qualifications required.

  • Creates a single-source online transcript of completed courses and trainings.

  • Clubs and Districts lookup your Coach Transcript with your last name and NCCP# to verify your qualifications have been completed in order to approve you on a Team Roster

Why do I need an NCCP number?

It is the way KMS, EMSA and OSA verifies you have completed the required qualifications to be compliant with the Rules & Policies of Canada Soccer and Ontario Soccer.  

  • Additionally, it is used to determine if a "staff" member of a team OR a "volunteer" for a Futsal program can be linked to the insurance provided by Ontario Soccer.  If not linked to insurance, the individual cannot and should not be participating in any KMS team, program, event, etc.

What do I do with my NCCP number once I have it?

Each individual soccer online training website (for example:, canadasoccer, Respect in Sports) will have a place for your NCCP#  (ex. 123456) in that website's profile you create/setup when you register there to take a training.  

  • Once the number is entered, any training will be synced back to the Locker.
  • each site will sync with your Locker account daily or weekly to update... as long as you enter the NCCP# in the site profile that you did the training (if it isn't a course from
  • If you do not add the NCCP# to the different online training sites... the data will not be viewable in the Coach Locker and the Coach Transcript on


  1. use the same email address registering for the Locker that you use on the various training websites
  2. sign-up for an NCCP# prior to taking training
  3. look at each website where you are signing up for a training.  Enter the NCCP# in your profile you create on that training site prior to starting the training. (double-check to make sure the NCCP# saved to your website profile)