Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) Instructions (Kincardine & District Minor Soccer)

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Why am I asked to complete a Vulnerable Sector Check?

Ontario Soccer requires that all individuals with access to vulnerable people undergo a Police Vulnerable Sector Check   The Kincardine and District Minor Soccer Club recognizes that it is critical to ensure a safe and secure environment for all players registered with the Club.  

ALL Kincardine Minor Soccer team's rostered staff (Coaches/Assistant Coaches/Managers) on all Youth Travel, Soccer School, Indoor/Futsal, Competitive, Development, Recreational and House League teams are REQUIRED to have a valid Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) on file with the Club.  

Do you have an existing valid Vulnerable Sector Check?

If you have a recently completed VSC done in the last 3 years because of a school volunteer or other sport (hockey, baseball, etc.) you can submit that to meet the requirement.  If you have an existing PDF copy of results, you can navigate directly to the upload form on this website.  VSC Copy Submission

What is the detailed step by step process to request, receive and upload a Vulnerable Sector Check?

Plan on the full process taking up to several weeks so start with the request to the OPP as soon as you can.

Before you go to the OPP site below, download this letter, insert your name on the open line, edit in a PDF editor or scan a copy back to your computer or device to be available for uploading into the OPP website.  
VSC Kincardine signed - Feb 2025.pdf

Go to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) website
  1. Choose "Police Record Checks"
  2. Follow the online instructions to the bottom of the page and select "Apply for a Record Check" and start the specific Vulnerable Sector Check

  3. IMPORTANT: After validating you have what you need to begin the process through several yes or no questions, you’ll be asked to choose a “Service Option”. Be sure to pick “Vulnerable Sector Check”.

  4. Follow on screen prompts and instructions. When you come to the form below that includes these items, use these responses:

    1. Title of Employment / Volunteer Position: enter "Coaching Staff"

    2. Organization: enter "Kincardine & District Minor Soccer Club"

    3. Description and details regarding the responsibilities towards children or vulnerable person(s): enter "coaching staff are expected to provide mentoring, emotional support and physical support for assessing and training injuries"

    4. Detachment: enter "South Bruce - West"

  5. When asked to upload a document, use the following letter from Kincardine & District Minor Soccer Club at the bottom of this Guide page.  Insert your name in the letter before sending.

  6. Continue with the online questions and instructions.

  7. Submit the request online (you likely receive an email confirmation, "Application Submitted" that the request was successfully submitted)

  8. Wait for the VSC results to be emailed, "OPP Police Record Check Results",  to you and look for the PDF copy of the results attached to the email notifying you of completion.

  9. Download the PDF copy of the results to your computer or device.

  10. Return to the Club website and upload the results PDF via the KMS online form VSC Copy Submission