Lake Shore League Game Sheets (Kincardine & District Minor Soccer)

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Game Sheets

Paper based game sheets will be provided to each coach at the beginning of the season for teams that play in the Lake Shore League.  A game sheet is required for every game played.  The home team is responsible on game day for providing the game sheet.

Timbits and House League teams do not have game sheets.


  1. home coach completes and signs game sheet for home team
  2. home coach gives to away coach to fill out their info
  3. away coach returns completed game sheet to home coach or referee
  4. if returned to the home coach, they then give the completed game sheet to the referee
  5. after the game the referee gives copy of the game sheet back to the home coach 
  6. the home coach takes a photo of the game sheet and emails it to their league convenor - info available in the lakeshore coaches manual. 
  7. league convenor inputs the scores in the lakeshore website.