KMS Player Registration Guide (Kincardine & District Minor Soccer)

PrintKMS Player Registration Guide
  • Kincardine Minor Soccer (KMS) offers team in Recreational and Competitive levels of play
    • In 2025, with the move to SportsHeadz from SportsEngine, the player registration changes from multiple unique URLs of mini-registration sites to Forms which are all accessed via 1 URL.
      • We have multiple Forms for registering players because they have unique questions to each group (and as of the time of documenting this, SportsHeadz did not have the capability for relational questions in their Forms).
      • The list of Forms can be found in the Registration Module of SportsHeadz.  The setup and access is the same login as to using the SportsHeadz back office, but SportsHeadz has to grant access to the Registration module (KMS Admin doesn't have the ability to currently)
      • Each Form aligns with a given Season of Ontario Soccer (Summer/Outdoor and Winter/Indoor)
        • The Forms are setup to be copied over from year to year and just have the year updated (for example 2025 to 2026)
        • Seasons and Divisions need to be updated as well
          • Season... 2025 to 2026
          • Divisions... can stay the same, unless are groups change, but the eligible dates of birth rules need to update and align with the Ontario Soccer Age Classification matrix
      • Parents/Guardians sign-up players for the current available Season and Division that displays based on the birth years of their Participants that they have added to their Account.
      • All players go into the same "bucket" with some labels of Divisions applied because of the Divisions mapped to the Form they used to register the player.  This doesn't lock them in to a Division, but helps when getting to rostering as we have a general idea of what age group and type of team & league they will play in.  
  • Ontario Soccer Association (OSA)
    • KMS has access to SportsEngine for OSCAR (Ontario Soccer Club Account Registry).  This SportsEngine HQ free access will remain as long as Ontario Soccer uses them for OSCAR (could change in 2026 to a new vendor).
      • A Custom Report setup in the KMS Registration module of SportsHeadz allows us to export data that is needed to import in OSCAR for team approvals and player memberships via EMSA (who also use OSCAR).
        • Season Management is the model in our SportsEngine HQ account where the OSCAR work is done.
          • Setup Season details, Divsions
          • Import Team and Player data (team names have to follow a specific naming convention, available in some of the EMSA Club Guides)
          • As part of the "sharing" process to OSCAR, players go through a season membership "purchase" process.
            • KMS will get billed later on via EMSA for all players with memberships that are rostered
              • Player Fee (varies by level) + OSCAR Fee (~$3 per player)
work in progress....